web designer, developer and digital media marketing consultant

Digital Design and Development

Background in marketing design and various print collateral, art direction to production. Specialized in web management, interface and content design with UX/UI approach and principles.

Up-to-date working knowledge of all relevant Adobe Creative Cloud applications and continuous learning as needed. Adaptable and fluent with various web development approaches using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript etc. Capable of utilizing a Bootstrap framework, an existing HTML web template, page layout generator for landing pages and email or a web Content Management System (CMS). Experience managing various large site migrations and redesigns including site content roll out for launch.

Keeping up with latest and always researching current best practices for the many aspects of digital marketing, such as, site hosting options, domain name management, various Content Management Systems (CMS), Google Analytics, email marketing newsletters design, coding, testing and template development including integration for various email marketing service providers and platforms, marketing analytics and A/B testing, digital asset management, Customer Relations Management (CRM) platforms and application integration, visual design/digital graphics production.

Experienced knowledge of various product and service industries including non-profits.

I can help you navigate your project as a consultant and always willing to learn about joining a dynamic collaborative team or company.

Digital Design

There are design basics and techniques but the production and execution methods are forever changing and understanding the latest tools will help learning what automation will bring including how to automate and what will be the advantage to having an expertise in this field. Keeping up interest and being in the know as a personal practice is the way it is.

Digital Development

Many digital projects are built and executed differently and sometimes in more ways than one with the technology or practices that come and go. Whether custom or template based; patience, knowledge, problem solving skills and an open mind is a functional necessity. Many situations will fix when updating with all new secure/compatible services, however, having an individual to be educated on these changing technologies, compliance and practices are an advantage to manage, communicate and update situations as they occur.

Creative Strategy

The research stage gathers the knowledge to approach solutions for the problem being solved. It is vital to the end result of the completed project. Planning greatly increases productivity and helpful to check in on progressive quality and timeliness. Design is where all of the research, planning and ideas come together to broadcast a message or sell a product and assist in creating a good customer user experience.

Project Development

Understanding different products and services is key the to discovery process to solve or improve how to work on and accomplish the project to a better alternative.

Continuing to measuring and monitor performance on the road to scalable completion, convenience of use and quality.

Embracing new tools, skills or marketing automation, learning how they work and seeing how it works together to meet a goal. This can help to save time keeping customers engaged, so you can analyze the data, from there improving the next phase.